Cut the Rug for Cancer was SUCH A SUCCESS! Wow, i'm still in awe! we raised over $200 to go towards the City Hope Cancer Research Hospital, and we had such an amazing turnout, even we were shocked! every little bit really does count, even though we may never realize it. people had cancer victims' names on their arms and even wrote their name on the "in memory of/in hopes for" wall so we could keep those families in our thoughts. LA's Dj Kick Mix was there, we sold tons of awareness bracelets, had food and drinks, and the danceparty was unreal! kylie did such a fantastic job! thank you to all who came, showed support, and cut the rug with us! athletes & hopites alike! "that's what happens when you BRIDGE THE GAP!"
"San Francisco itself is art, above all literary art. Every block is a short story, every hill a novel. Every home a poem, every dweller within immortal. That is the whole truth." - William Saroyan
tonight was my second night back in the city. after attending my highschool's annual talent show (amazing by the way), i took a drive around the city, & found myself on top of a hill overlooking the most beautiful sight in the world. there was no fog, the city lights were brilliant, and the air was chilly, clear, and wonderful. it was like falling in love for the first time. being home just does something to me. its emotional. its physical. its spiritual. things that used to matter, just dont. here in this city, anything can happen. theres no place like home... if your home is san francisco.