I remember my first big show. I remember the first time I felt so nervous that I was sweating. I remember rehearsing for hours to make sure I did perfectly. Sometimes, beginner poets are the hardest working poets, and their commitment, dedication, and obvious effort reflect this unparalleled passion. SP!!T this past Saturday was filled with that kind of raw fervor. I had such a splendid time sharing the stage with enthusiastic, hard-working poets. Though many of them haven’t been spitting for too long, their zeal reminded me of why I started doing poetry in the first place. When you work with professional poets often, it all sort of becomes routine. I’ve worked with some of the most prideful, self-assured names in the business, and am no longer shocked when people lose their passion for words and replace it with a desire to merely be popular. None of the poets on Saturday were victim to this fame-driven spirit. Some of them, I would deem greater artist then some of my bigwig friends for the simple fact that it’s still art to them. This show was a lot of fun. There were too many great moments to recall. With nutty things taking place backstage, an amazing, engaged crowd, and topnotch performances, I don’t really see how this show could have been any better. There were a few pieces that stood out so much that I was positive that I was in the midst of spoken word’s next big names. I can’t thank my good friend and director, KasiTeYana, enough for the opportunity not just to share my passion, but also to exist in a wonderfully nostalgic flashback, reminding me of the raw enthusiasm I had for slam poetry when I started 6 years ago. The scariness. The sweating. Practicing for forever. I hope to never lose sight of what it feels like to be a true artist. After all, as artists, aren’t we all beginners? As poets, there is no greater expertise than the ability to begin... over & over again.