Last Thursday I had the privilege to visit I.E. legend and friend Judah One at his open mic venue LionLike Mindstate in Pomona (check it out
HERE). One of the fastest growing open mics in Los Angeles County by far, every time I perform here or just visit, there's always new voices, new DJs, and new eye opening philosophies shot straight to my brain.

This night in particular LionLike was featuring Seth Walker, and for anyone who is radical about social change, open minded to new ways of thought, or just a huge fan of ingenious spoken word, you either already know of him or you're going to want to check him out
HERE. Currently touring with Lauren Begent, their lyrics and rhythm both together and separate with take you on a road trip through human emotions that are equally profound, hilarious, and real.

On top of experiencing the one and only Seth Walker live, I attended LionLike to touch base with incredible accessories stylist and spoken word artist, Cayenne. She will be selling an array of hand-made jewelry at Beyond the Boots (click
HERE for more info), coming up on the 25th, complete with various stones, feathers, and metals that a lot of artists in the I.E. like to rock. Here in the photo, she is only showing a sample of her earring collection, but on the 25th she will also be selling necklaces and rings as well.

Another friend and amazing stylist will also be selling on the 25th, the one and only Meredith, founder of Made by Mere accessories (check her out
HERE). Below is a picture of some of her holiday line this past December, but just like the small selection you saw of Cayenne's, this sample photo does not give justice to the brilliance of Mere's art. She has tons of new fabrics and flairs she'll be showcasing at Beyond the Boots, so bring some extra cash and come out and support your local artist!

Remember David Romero, Matt Sedillo, and Francois are headlining, and we have a huge line up of other amazing features, as well as a limited open mic. Hope to see you on Friday! Six days and counting!