In July, I went to China to teach English. I was told over and over again that learning English would change these students' lives, but in retrospect, my students changed me. I could never sum up my experience in a paragraph; in fact, not even a hundred novels. But I will say this. At the beginning of the year I was searching for a new beginning, a new outlook on life, and a new adventure. Not only did teaching in China provide all of these things, but it also changed the way I thought of about love. It changed the way I thought about the world. It changed the way I thought about myself. I fell in love in China. I fell in love with people, with life, and with God, all over again. It opened my eyes to other worldviews, poverty, and the struggles of cross-culture ministry. It opened my eyes to true uncertainty, adventure, and happiness. It was the thrill of my life. Some of the must stretching, heart-aching, awful, and wonderful times happened in Beijing, China this past summer, and I will never forget it. The influence of my students, and the other wonderful teachers I worked alongside will stay with me forever. Thanks China, I'll be back soon.
Listen; there's a hell of a good universe
next door: let's go.
e. e. cummings 

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